How I Encourage My Kids To Do Chores

Hey guys! It has been a minute! I hope you all are doing well and still practicing social distancing if you can. We have been home, including all the kids. We actually have decided to withdraw them from pre-school and try to homeschool them for the next couple months. The start kindergarten in August, so it can’t be too bad.

With the kids being home, hubby and I quickly realized that its probably time to give these kids some responsibility. For the most part, the kids do well following directions: cleaning their game room when asked, clearing the table after eating… when asked, everything when asked. I really want them to understand what their responsibilities are and take initiative so we came up with a structure that has really been working for us.

We developed a method of the older kids doing their chores on their own! And we used three simple things:

A Chore Chart


Every morning, I review the chore chart with kids. We go over all the chores they are expected to do on their own, without me or daddy reminding them. At the end of each day, they will receive a star for each task they complete on their own without anyone reminding them. If they are not successful, they don’t get a star for that particular task. If the kids are not behaving well more than normal (or just get on my nerves) they run chance of not getting any stars for that day.



At the end of each week, we tally up all the stars. Depending on the amount of stars they recieve for the week, the twins get paid a certain amount of money (and I don’t make it easy for them at all).

Arinze and Adaeze each have a ATM piggy bank where they store the money they recieve. I think that’s their favorite part of the whole process: putting money in the ATM!



At the end of each month, I open up and allow them to use up to half of their money to buy one item of their choice.

So far, this method has been working well for us. What are some methods you use in your home to encourage your children to do chores independently?

Until next time,


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